Sunday, December 24, 2006

There are two poster designs. I got an idea about the water shortage. The first one, the hands are tried to save a drop of water which is from the old and rusted tap. Cz I wanted to create the shortage and the hardship for my poster. I had viewed to my friends, and some of them thought that it is ok, not effective much. They just said the sentence is good, and meaningful.
My first sentence is" Saving a water drop today, you can earn an ocean in the future". but I thought it was not ok, so I bring it to check the grammar. Fianlly, I got this one.
The second poster, many people thought it was looked liked the advertisment, not the poster. Although, it was very difficult to pesuade my model, and did some effects i submit the first one.
What is your opinion?Plz give me some advices.


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